

Day 89/365

Sshh don't tell James... that would be his side of the bed.

Day 88/365

He's still working on learning how to get down from the couch....


Day 83/365

Grump butt was not amused by me trying to take pictures of us this morning.

Day 82/365

I got a new phone... so Jimi got a new toy.


Day 74/365

Sharing a nice frozen juice pop on a hot day. (Parents: These things are great, Organic frozen juice pops called 'Whole Fruits', we got a box of them at Costco.)


Day 72/365

Eating a Tuna Fish sandwich (he refused it eat it in bite sizes pieces)

Day 71/365

'Give me the camera, plllleeeaaassseeee'

Day 70/365

Probably not the most productive way to eat off the high chair tray.

Day 69/365

James and I with the Bride and Groom at the end of the evening. (Way to class up the picture James)

Day 68/365

View from the Edgewater Hotel in Seattle.